The story of the film revolves around the friendship between the male leads and how circumstances lead them to venture on a mad road trip to Goa in search of love. Once in Goa, more characters emerge on the scene as comic mayhem unfolds. The protagonists hilariously maneuver their way through tricky situations of mistaken identities and misunderstandings. The much-in-the-news sequel promises unparalleled fun & frolic, ensuring that the audience too, back-packs on this ‘Kool’ road-trip!
(Right click and save to download)
- Dil Garden Garden Ho Gaya - Vishal Dadlani
- Shirt Da Button - Sonu Nigam & Anjaan Meet Bros
- Hum To Hain Cappucino - U.P Bihar Lootne - Daler Mehndi, Sukhwinder Singh, Ritesh Deshmukh, Swaroop
- Volume High Karle - Neeraj Sridhar
- Shirt Da Button (Version 2) - Kailash Kher, Meet Bros. Anjaan
- Dil Garden Garden Ho Gaya (Remix) - Vishal Dadlani
- Volume High Karle (Remix) - Neeraj Sridhar
Please leave feedback if you like the songs.
Sunny Rock!